High Performance transformations
Check out the success stories of my clients

Over the past 16 months I’m proud to say I’ve lost 145 lbs.
CHALLENGE: I don't have time for a fitness transformation..
“Before I started, I weighed 355 lbs. I could barely walk up my stairs, unable to play with my kid and just felt so far gone.”
“My career demanded so much of my time, energy, stamina and willpower that I rarely felt like I had enough time to focus
on my health.”
“Over the past 16 months I’m proud to say I’ve lost 145 lbs. My mind is sharp, I run in the mountains and I’m so much more present with my family.”
Jon Young
Corporate Team Leader
He's forever helped me to change my life and now I've began my own fitness career.
CHALLENGE: I’ve lived with poor health for so many years… what’s the use of starting now?
“Dan was instrumental in my weight loss journey in which I LOST OVER 80 LBS total–60 pounds in the first six months!
Truth is, I knew for years my health was holding me back from reaching my full potential. Looking back, I wish I would have taken action sooner.
His passion for people and fitness is top-notch and he’s forever helped me to change my life and now I’ve began my own career as a fitness coach helping others do the same!”
Tammy Smith
Fitness Coach to High Performers

I’m so much more confident in negotiations and sales calls
CHALLENGE: I used to be healthy, but then I let myself go… and I can’t seem to get my health back on track...
“As shocking as it sounds, I’ve already gained and lost over 100 lbs once before…Gaining it all back was heartbreaking.”
“This time around, I feel amazing…I’ve lost 125 lbs
since I started!”
“I’m so much more confident in negotiations and sales calls, all this new strength/endurance carries me through my day so much more efficiently, and I just have a greater love for life.”
Lesile Driear
Business Owner
I've dropped 25 lbs, feel unstoppable, and this is the strongest I’ve been in 15 years.
CHALLENGE: I’m a travelling mom lacking any consistent schedule...
“My life can be pretty hectic…I have 5 beautiful babies and my husband works full time overseas, not to mention my daily schedule is rarely the same.
“No excuses though…I’ve dropped 25 lbs, feel unstoppable, and this is the strongest I’ve been in 15 years. I’m back to my pre-baby weight and I love teaching my kids about being healthy.”
Erin Zimbelman
Entrepreneur, Mom of 5

Ready for your own transformation?

Thanks for always for keeping it, and me, 100%
CHALLENGE: I’m a musician and want to take my stage performance to a different level
“With the upcoming release of my new album, Native Neon, I wanted to take my stage presence to a whole new level.”
“Thanks for always for keeping it and me, 100%.”
Brian Hughes
Nashville Recording Artist
My energy levels went from good to great and this is the best I've ever felt.
CHALLENGE: My business just takes too much out of me… I’ve got nothing left at the end of the day…
“My work as a loan officer is mentally & physically demanding and after a full day of growing my business, it just makes more sense to outsource the action plan around my training,
nutrition & mobility.”
“I want to serve my clients on a higher level and make sure I was prepared for the upcoming winter ski season.”
“After the first 8 weeks, I felt extremely agile, had freak-ish endurance and dropped 17 lbs.”
“My energy levels went from good to great and this is the best I’ve ever felt.”
Mark Delorme Jr.
Business Owner

Ready for your own transformation?

If you're on the fence about hiring someone to help you through this process, this is your guy!
“I have to say, I had a totally different attitude from when I started and when I finished…”
“I’ve never actually seen a muscle really change. It’s so exciting to see the results and I’m looking forward to continue training.”
“Thanks for all your support and knowledge! If you’re on the fence about hiring someone to help you through this process, this is your guy!”
Kim Bessen
I've really made some big strides in our businesses, my health and I've even dropped almost 20 lbs.
“I’m a third generation rancher in Montana and some recent health concerns left me frustrated and feeling lost as to how to take action on the area that needed my attention most.”
“I have a great marriage and support system, however, my health was draining my stamina/endurance levels throughout the day, my effectiveness to lead in business, and my weight.”
“We’ve been working together now for 1.5 years and I’ve really made some big strides in our businesses, my health and I’ve even dropped almost 20 lbs.”
Tina Stetson
Entrepreneur, Stetson Ranches

He never lets me slack and I'm so grateful for that.
“I started with Dan because he is a professional… Hands down.”
“My big struggle was finding a training routine that worked with my busy schedule, eating right and needing to drop that last 20 pounds (all of which I accomplished).”
“I’m stronger, leaner, have WAY more energy than before and I love the motivation and push he gives me. He never lets me slack and I’m so grateful for that.”
Kara Roberts
Entrepreneur, Mom of 3
Ready for your own transformation?
Dawn Hendrickson
Over 3 months which is so crazy to me, I lost 40lbs. I am so much stronger not only physically but mentally, emotionally and even spiritually and it’s badass how I feel when I leave here.
Kaylie Aldrich
My biggest achievement so far has been losing 14 lbs. I’m happy with who I am as I am and also overcoming my fears.
Kelly Pike-Guest
My biggest accomplishment so far is losing 15 lbs and feeling confident as I reignite my own personal training career working with others!
Rick Nease
One of the great things about Dan is his encouragement. I’ve lost 40 lbs and feel strong, capable and energetic despite a busy travel schedule in my career.
Molly Stroupe
Dan is he’s the best. I keep saying that but when I say it I mean it. I’ve dropped 25 lbs, no longer feel depressed, and my businesses are thriving more than ever!
Shelley Motes
Shelley has FINALLY found a solution to her lack of mobility caused by Osteoporosis, hear her story.
Karen Ripplinger
Listen to Karen speak about how she became pain-free after a serious shoulder injury.
Chrissy French
After having surgery to repair a torn lateral and medial miniscus, Chrissy F. successfully became pain free and is now back to enjoying life!
Stacia Stevens
After 15 years of dealing with knee and low back pains, Stacia S. finally found the long-term solution she was looking for. Nothing better than being pain-free!
Christi Bowden
Christi B. has been struggling for 15 years with Fibromyalgia pains. After 4 months of training, her fibro pains are “almost non-existent” and she’s now on her way to becoming a certified Personal Trainer for women affected by Fibromyalgia!
Dan Hamlin
A successful businessman, Hamlin lives between Florida & Montana. Hear how he has found better balance and stability in just a few months despite having upper and lower body Diabetic Neuropathies.
Sandy Young
“I’ve learned how to set up an exercise program that actually works for me. Peak Performance transformed my life is such positive ways that I think so many people could really benefit from it.”
Ready for your own transformation?

For the first time in almost 2 years, I felt like I FINALLY GOT MY LIFE BACK!
“At almost 59 years old and three back surgeries within a year, I wanted to continue to get stronger but couldn’t lift more that a milk jug.”
“A trusted friend recommended this dread-locked ninja guy and I became anxious to meet him. As we began training, each week was more challenging than the previous and I never did the same thing twice. Dan watched me struggle with patience and understanding and had encouraging words at every session. The fear I had in the beginning has forever been replaced with confidence and strength. For the first time in almost 2 years, I felt like I FINALLY GOT MY LIFE BACK!”
“Thank you Dan for helping me lose weight and regain a strong body!”
Sue Ann Flanders
Administration Assistant
"Dan's style of training has emotionally and physically enlightened me, so if you're ready to make a major change in your life, this is the guy.

"Let Dan take the guesswork out of all of it and get you started the right way!"

I am already looking forward to next off-season to work with you again!
“I needed something to keep my fitness up through the winter for cycling. My main goals were to build endurance and work on my balance. Dan never brought anything less than a positive attitude to our training sessions. Even if I was having an off day, he was always encouraging.”
“He was a professional and really listened to my goals and always had new, creative ideas. My biggest accomplishment so far has been finishing 3rd place in the 24-hours of Flathead Mountain Bike race!”
“I am already looking forward to the next off-season to work with you again!”
Sean Roberts
Auto Body Specialist

"I've worked out with Dan now for 3 months. What I like more than losing weight is that my extra tire in the middle is shrinking and I have had to buy smaller pants. I love it and don't want to miss a workout because I'm seeing results."

"Since we started, we are both so much stronger, faster and more balanced that ever before."
"We love working with Dan because it's always something new and challenging. We will always recommend Dan for athletic performance training because you're going to get results!"

"Dan's savvy and passionate approach to fitness is unique and a huge reason why Access Fitness is where it's at today. If you're hesitant about being in the gym or working with a professional, don't be. Everyone that works at Access Fitness is awesome and dedicated to their members. They are number one for a reason; let them prove it to you!"

Ready for your own transformation?